Saturday 11 May 2013

Picture of Hollis by Patricia Reilly Giff

Summary: Pictures of Hollis Woods is the very moving story of an abandoned girl who has difficulty fitting into foster homes and is constantly getting in trouble for running away.

Choose 2 of the following prompts. Remember that each answer needs to be at least two, well written paragraphs.

1.      1. What is the significance of the chapters describing pictures one through fourteen?
2.  Why does Hollis usually run? Give two examples from the book and the page number.
  3.   How does Hollis feel about her time with the Regans, and why does she leave them and refuse to return
   4. Describe how Hollis spends her time with Josie at the Regans' summer home.
    5.Why are there five people in the Fourteenth Picture, and how does Hollis feel about it?

Remember that you may either type this assignment in Word and email it to me, or type it and hand it in when school starts. Your paper should be double spaced Times New Roman 12 (even if it is hand written) and have a heading that includes: Name, Book Title, Questions that you are answering and grade.

Student Name________
Question #2 
Grade 7

This assignment is due NO LATER than August 30, 2013 Late work will not be accepted. 

Tomorrow’s Girls: Behind the Gates by Eva Gray

Summary: In a terrifying future world, four girls must depend on each other if they want to survive. Louisa is nervous about being sent away to a boarding school -- but she's excited, too. And she has her best friend, Maddie, to keep her company. The girls have to pretend to be twin sisters, which Louisa thinks just adds to the adventure!

Choose 2 of the following prompts. Remember that each answer needs to be at least two, well written paragraphs

1.      Louisa feels pressure to become a doctor since both of her parents are doctors. Think about a time you felt pressure to succeed in something because a family member or friend does it well. How did it make you feel?
2.      Evelyn distrusts the people who run Country Manor. What occurrences strengthen her feelings of distrust?
3.      Why do you think Louisa feels more comfortable at Country Manor as time passes, but Maddie becomes unhappier? Give me examples and details of moments in the book.
4.      Why does Maddie refuse to try to make friends with Rosie? What causes her to act this way?
5.      Once the truth is discovered about Maddie and Country Manor, the girls put their differences aside and work together. Think about a time you pushed differences aside to accomplish something. Did it bring you all closer together?

Remember that you may either type this assignment in Word and email it to me, or type it and hand it in when school starts. Your paper should be double spaced Times New Roman 12 (even if it is hand written) and have a heading that includes: Name, Book Title, Questions that you are answering and grade.

Student Name________
Question #2 and #4
Grade 7

 This assignment is due NO LATER than August 30, 2013 Late work will not be accepted.

Zach’s Lie by Roland Smith

Summary: Jack Osborne's life changes forever the night men in masks break into his house, threaten Jack and his family, and ransack their home. Jack then discovers the reason these men have come into their lives-his father has been arrested for drug trafficking. Jack, his mother, and his sister are then forced to enter Witness Security Program. Jack becomes "Zach" and moves to Elko, Nevada, a town in the middle of nowhere. There he meets Sam, the strangest school custodian he has ever encountered, and Catalin, a girl who might make Zach's uprooting worth the trouble. But just as Zach finally begins to piece together a new life, he finds himself in danger again-and this time his actions could determine the fates of everyone he cares about.

Choose 2 of the following prompts. Remember that each answer needs to be at least two, well written paragraphs

Spoiler alert! Some of the questions contain key elements of the plot. Do not read if you don't want to know what happens! Wait until you are done with the book!

1.        Zach is shocked to find out about his father's involvement in illegal activities. Should Zach have known about his dad's shady activities? How much do you know about your parents' jobs?
2.       Zach has to conceal his old identity from everyone he meets in his new life. Is this difficult for him to do? Is it hard because he has to always be on guard against slipping up and disclosing something about his past (like his sister's real name or his real home town), or because he wants to confide in someone, but isn't allowed to? What aspect of keeping that secret would be harder for you - remembering not to slip up, or having to conceal your past from those you become close to?
3.       Darrell tells Zach about the three E's of Elko - Everyone knows Everything about Everybody. Does it turn out to be true? What are some good and bad things about living in an insulated environment like that?
4.       The author uses the technique of starting each chapter with part of one of Zach's journal entries, then flashing back to the event in the entry or to another happening in Zach's life. Did you like this way of starting out chapters? Was it effective?
5.       Zach's imaginary friend, Commander IF, had been out of Zach's life for a while - until the move to Elko. Why does he resurface? What role does he play for Zach and in the events prior to Zach's discovery?

Remember that you may either type this assignment in Word and email it to me, or type it and hand it in when school starts. Your paper should be double spaced (even if it is hand written) and have a heading that includes: Name, Book Title, Questions that you are answering and grade.

Student Name________
Question #2 and #4
Grade 7

This assignment is due NO LATER than August 30, 2013 Late work will not be accepted.

Tangerine by Edward Bloor

Though legally blind, Paul Fisher can see what others cannot. He can see that his parents' constant praise of his brother, Erik, the football star, is to cover up something that is terribly wrong. But no one listens to Paul--until his family moves to Tangerine. In this Florida town, weird is normal: Lightning strikes at the same time every day, a sinkhole swallows a local school, and Paul the geek finds himself adopted into the toughest group around--the soccer team at his middle school.
 Choose 2 of the following prompts. Remember that each answer needs to be at least two, well written paragraphs
1.        On page 257, Paul's father says "We wanted to find a way to keep you from always hating your brother." Paul replies by saying "So you figured it would be better if I just hated myself?" Do you think his parents understood what their lie did to Paul? Would you have done what they did? What might the relationship have been like between Paul and Erik if Paul had always known the truth?

2.        Near the end of the novel, even though Erik's eyes are now "mere slits," (p.270), is it possible that he sees things clearly for the first time? What is the "cage" that he has made for himself? (p.292). Could his pacing perhaps be because he remembers what he has done to Paul?

3.        On page 204, Paul's mother says, "Give some credit where credit is due. Who do you think makes all of this possible? Who do you think holds this whole thing together? Your father?" What is the "whole thing"? Does she hold everything together? How does she do that? Is she more aware of her family situation than Paul's father?

4.        When confronted about the construction problems that the Lake Windsor subdivision faces, Mr. Fisher says, "I can't change the past, but I'm putting some big changes in place for now and for the future" (p. 236). Is he perhaps referring to changes other than construction changes? How are Charley Burns's actions, or lack of actions, with the development of subdivisions similar to Mr. Fisher's actions, or lack of actions, with the development of both of his sons? Ultimately, Charley Burns cannot stand the truth about his actions and he has a fatal heart attack. In what way does Mr. Fisher experience a heart attack? Will he survive his heart attack?

5.        Consider the following statements and explain how each would apply to Erik, Paul, Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Fisher, Antoine Thomas, and Luis Cruz: Ignorance is bliss. Ye shall seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Remember that you may either type this assignment in Word and email it to me, or type it and hand it in when school starts. Your paper should be double spaced Times New Roman 12 (even if it is hand written) and have a heading that includes: Name, Book Title, Questions that you are answering and grade.
Student Name________
Question #2 and #4
Grade 7

This assignment is due NO LATER than August 30, 2013 Late work will not be accepted. 

Among the Hidden by Margarett Peterson Haddix

"Luke lives in a society where only two children per family are allowed. Being the third child in his family Luke must remain hidden his whole life. He can't have friends, eat at the table(where someone might see him through the window), watch TV, or even play outside.
Then one day he sees a girl in the window of a house next to him. A house in which Luke knows there are two boys. He decides to investigate, sneaks out of the house, and enters the house. Luke discovers that he is not the only third child. There is a whole network of third children, called the shadow children, led by the girl in the house, Jen. Luke finds out that they're planning to have a rally and demand their rights. He must know decide to join the rally and possibly be killed, or stay hidden and remain safe, but not free.

Choose 2 of the following prompts. Remember that each answer needs to be at least two, well written paragraphs

1.       If an older sibling died and you took his place, how would you suddenly explain your existence? Would you have to have the personality of your older sibling or could you be yourself?
2.       What role did reading play in Luke’s knowledge of the outside world?
3.       Is Luke a “special needs child”? How does his enforced isolation change his relationship with the members of his family—his mother, father, and brothers?
4.       What tactics did the government use to create fear? Why did they want to create fear? Does something like this happen in our society or modern societies elsewhere? Give examples.
5.       How should a nation’s resources be allocated (shared or divided) between those who have privileges and those who don’t?

Remember that you may either type this assignment in Word and email it to me, or type it and hand it in when school starts. Your paper should be double spaced (even if it is hand written) and  have a heading that includes: Name, Book Title, Questions that you are answering and grade.

Student Name________
Question #2 and #4
Grade 7

This assignment is due NO LATER than August 30, 2013. Late work will not be accepted. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Ironing out the wrinkles

Welcome to our class blog. I have never had a blog with students before and I am not familiar with all the technology options out there, so we are going to learn together. The purpose of this blog is to stay connected to what's going on in class, practice writing, and actively learning. There will be times that I will have videos here for you to preview and take notes about for the next day in class. Hopefully (if I can figureo ut how to do it!),there will be directions for projects and a calendar. I ask for your patience while we 'iron out the wrinkles' and if you have any advice on how to make the page better, I am more than willing to listen! I am looking forward to a great year of learning with you!

Summer Reading

Choose one of the following books to read this summer.
You will be given 5 questions to answer for the book you choose, but you only need to choose 2 of the 5 questions to answer. Each question should be answered in at least two, well developed, paragraphs. You may choose to type your responses and hand it in at school or email me a Word document.  Also, provide a list of at least 10 vocabulary words and their definitions. All work must be typed and is due no later than August 28, 2012. Have a great summer!
 Directions will also be on our class blog. 

Among the Hidden by Margarett Peterson Haddix
Tangerine by Edward Bloor
Zach’s Lie   by Roland Smith
Pictures of Hollis  by Patricia Reilly Giff
Tomorrow’s Girls: Behind the Gates   by Eva Gray

 Check back for your book's questions